Medicare For All

Household Savings Calculator

Find out how much you would save under Medicare for All!

Medicare for All could save over 60,000 lives and billions of dollars per year by completely removing premiums, deductibles, copays, and surprise medical bills while fully covering medical care, dental, vision, long term care, medications, and more.

Please answer the following questions to see how much money you and your family would save if we had Medicare for All and made health care a human right for everyone! If you don't have the exact figures — reasonable estimates are fine.

Your answers are confidential.

Do you have Medicare?

Did you have health insurance last year?

What was your insurance coverage?

How much was your premium payment per month?

Default for single is $200 and family is $500. We'll convert it to annual for you.

NOTE: If you and your spouse file jointly for income taxes, include premium payments, out-of-pocket costs, and annual income for both of you.

How much was your premium payment per month?

Enter Medicare Part B (doctor) & Part D (drug) premiums paid directly or deducted from your Social Security, plus any premiums for Medigap supplemental plans, Medicare health plans (Medicare Advantage), dental insurance, etc. Default is $225 for one person. We'll convert it to annual for you.

How much did your employer pay each month?

Default for single is $550 and family is $1,400. We'll convert it to annual for you.

How much did your employer pay each month?

Include premiums paid by current employers. Leave out retirement plan contributions to premiums. Default is $0. We'll convert it to annual for you.

In the last year, how much did you pay in out-of-pocket medical costs?

Enter all payments for doctors, emergency and hospital care, drugs, dental, vision, hearing, etc. Include deductibles, co-payments, and uncovered services. Exclude long-term care. Reasonable estimate is fine. Default for single is $2,000 and family is $4,000.

In the last year, how much did you pay in out-of-pocket medical costs?

Enter all payments for doctors, emergency and hospital care, drugs, dental, vision, hearing, etc. Include deductibles, co-payments, and uncovered services. Exclude long-term care. Reasonable estimate is fine. Default is $2,250 for one person.

In the last year, how much did you pay for long-term care for family members?

Enter all payments for services in facilities and at home, and any insurance premiums.

In the last year, how much did you pay for long-term care for family members?

Enter all payments for services in facilities and at home, and any insurance premiums.

What is your annual income?

Default is the U.S. average of $60,000. Include spouse if filing jointly. Use taxable income if known, or AGI or gross. Reasonable estimate is fine.

What is your annual income?

Default is the U.S. average for seniors of $24,000 for one person. Include spouse if filing jointly. Use taxable income if known, or AGI or gross. Reasonable estimate is fine.

What portion of your income is earned from working?

Pick the closest option. Earned income includes wages, salaries, tips, and net earnings from self-employment. It does not include investment gains, pensions and annuities, or social security, welfare, or unemployment benefits.

What portion of your income is earned from working?

Pick the closest option.

What is your tax filing status?

Choose other for single, filing separately, or head of household.

What is your tax filing status?

Choose other for single, filing separately, or head of household.

What ZIP Code do you live in?

To get a copy of your results, provide your email address.


All fields except email are required and then you can calculate.

Frequently Asked Questions

This calculator uses a proposed progressive taxation strategy to fund the Medicare for All program that bases your health care costs on your ability to pay, not a corporation's bottom line.

What is Medicare for All?

What will Medicare for All pay for?

Is long-term care included in Medicare for All?

Where does the money I pay into the current for-profit healthcare system go?

Do I report employer premium contributions?

What will I pay for Medicare for All, a non-profit guaranteed healthcare program?

How are large savings possible?

How does the calculator work?

What tax structure does the calculator propose to fund Medicare for All?

What are the added taxes under Medicare for All?

Who created this calculator?